Net Sales/Income from operations | 9867.73 |
Other Operating Income | 50.22 |
Total Income From Operations | 9917.95 |
| |
Consumption of Raw Materials | 3968.46 |
Purchase of Traded Goods | 212.00 |
Increase/Decrease in Stocks | 72.30 |
Employees Cost | 1007.07 |
Depreciation | 234.31 |
Other Expenses | 2376.06 |
Total Expenses | 7870.20 |
P/L Before Other Inc. , Int., Excpt. Items & Tax | 2047.75 |
Other Income | 45.98 |
P/L Before Interest, Excpt. Items & Tax | 2093.73 |
Interest | 63.90 |
P/L Before Exceptional Items & Tax | 2029.83 |
Exceptional Items | 183.39 |
P/L Before Tax | 2213.22 |
Tax | 563.41 |
P/L After Tax from Ordinary Activities | 1649.81 |
Net Profit/Loss For the Period | 1649.81 |
Share Of P/L Of Associates | -3.72 |
Net P/L After Minority Interest & Share Of Associates | 1646.09 |
Equity Share Capital | 96.42 |
Reserves And Surplus | 3807.05 |
EPS Before Extra Ordinary * | |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 17.07 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 17.07 |
EPS After Extra Ordinary * | |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 17.07 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 17.07 |
PBITOE Margin (%) | 20.64 |
PBTE Margin (%) | 20.46 |
PBT Margin (%) | 22.31 |
PAT Margin (%) | 16.63 |
PAT After MI And SOA Margin (%) | 16.59 |