Months | 12 |
Source Of Info (AR = Annual Report, PR = Press Release) | AR |
FaceValue | 2.00 |
| |
Revenue From Operations [Net] | 6268.30 |
Other Operating Revenues | 13.28 |
Total Operating Revenues | 6281.58 |
Other Income | 19.17 |
Total Revenue | 6300.75 |
Cost Of Materials Consumed | 1.66 |
Purchase Of Stock-In Trade | 1682.10 |
Operating And Direct Expenses | 1130.31 |
Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade | 115.50 |
Employee Benefit Expenses | 2500.81 |
Finance Costs | 141.25 |
Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses | 114.34 |
Other Expenses | 425.00 |
Total Expenses | 6110.97 |
Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax | 189.78 |
Exceptional Items | -35.06 |
Profit/Loss Before Tax | 154.72 |
Tax Expenses-Continued Operations | |
Current Tax | 9.11 |
Deferred Tax | -4.33 |
Tax For Earlier Years | 13.94 |
Total Tax Expenses | 18.72 |
Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items | 136.00 |
Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations | 136.00 |
Profit/Loss For The Period | 136.00 |
Share Of Profit/Loss Of Associates | 1.67 |
Consolidated Profit/Loss After MI And Associates | 137.67 |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 8.20 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 8.18 |