Months | 12 |
Source Of Info (AR = Annual Report, PR = Press Release) | AR |
FaceValue | 10.00 |
| |
Interest / Discount on Advances / Bills | 38119.31 |
Income from Investments | 6202.19 |
Interest on Balance with RBI and Other Inter-Bank funds | 1157.07 |
Others | 269.64 |
Total Interest Earned | 45748.21 |
Other Income | 9395.77 |
Total Income | 55143.98 |
Interest Expended | 25132.29 |
Payments to and Provisions for Employees | 5373.93 |
Depreciation | 463.04 |
Operating Expenses (excludes Employee Cost & Depreciation) | 8310.66 |
Total Operating Expenses | 14147.63 |
Provision Towards Income Tax | 3002.21 |
Provision Towards Deferred Tax | 0.00 |
Other Provisions and Contingencies | 3884.86 |
Total Provisions and Contingencies | 6887.07 |
Total Expenditure | 46167.00 |
Net Profit / Loss for The Year | 8976.99 |
Net Profit / Loss After EI & Prior Year Items | 8976.99 |
Share of Profit / Loss from Associates | 0.31 |
Consolidated Profit / Loss after MI and Associates | 8977.29 |
Profit / Loss Brought Forward | 24176.30 |
Transferred on Amalgamation | 0.00 |
Total Profit / Loss available for Appropriations | 33153.59 |
Transfer To / From Statutory Reserve | 2237.45 |
Transfer To / From Capital Reserve | 43.30 |
Transfer To / From Investment Reserve | 200.00 |
Transfer To / From Revenue and Other Reserves | 0.00 |
Dividend and Dividend Tax for The Previous Year | 0.00 |
Equity Share Dividend | 1086.38 |
Balance Carried Over To Balance Sheet | 29586.48 |
Total Appropriations | 33153.59 |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 115.54 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 115.33 |