Months | 12 |
Source Of Info (AR = Annual Report, PR = Press Release) | AR |
FaceValue | 2.00 |
| |
Interest / Discount on Advances / Bills | 116589.78 |
Income from Investments | 38107.07 |
Interest on Balance with RBI and Other Inter-Bank funds | 2649.88 |
Others | 2169.19 |
Total Interest Earned | 159515.93 |
Other Income | 76521.80 |
Total Income | 236037.73 |
Interest Expended | 74108.16 |
Payments to and Provisions for Employees | 19171.98 |
Depreciation | 1915.27 |
Depreciation on Leased Assets | 19.94 |
Operating Expenses (excludes Employee Cost & Depreciation) | 76675.60 |
Total Operating Expenses | 97782.79 |
Provision Towards Income Tax | 13693.30 |
Provision Towards Deferred Tax | 1734.32 |
Other Provisions and Contingencies | 3712.41 |
Total Provisions and Contingencies | 19140.03 |
Total Expenditure | 191030.98 |
Net Profit / Loss for The Year | 45006.74 |
Net Profit / Loss After EI & Prior Year Items | 45006.74 |
Minority Interest | -1824.14 |
Share of Profit / Loss from Associates | 1073.77 |
Consolidated Profit / Loss after MI and Associates | 44256.37 |
Profit / Loss Brought Forward | 65638.68 |
Total Profit / Loss available for Appropriations | 109895.05 |
Transfer To / From Statutory Reserve | 10222.10 |
Transfer To / From Reserve Fund | 0.00 |
Transfer To / From Special Reserve | 3135.30 |
Transfer To / From Capital Reserve | 33.25 |
Transfer To / From Investment Reserve | 992.79 |
Transfer To / From Revenue and Other Reserves | 87.23 |
Equity Share Dividend | 5598.60 |
Tax On Dividend | 0.00 |
Balance Carried Over To Balance Sheet | 89825.78 |
Total Appropriations | 109895.05 |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 63.19 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 61.96 |